Saturday, September 24, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?

 Dear Him,

First, I would like to say that if you are reading this then yes, I do consider you a stalker.
Second, you're a douche bag.
Third, I can say with total confidence that it's true, you missed out on the best thing that could have EVER happened to you.
Fourth, I realized that yes, it is possible for a girl to have her heart broken by a guy who she never even dated.
Fifth, I can honestly say that the worst feeling in the world is falling for your best friend and knowing that they will never feel that way.

Who do you think you are? Treating me like a piece of sh*t?  After EVERYTHING I did for you? After I stood by you for years, became your best friend, watched you be hurt by a girl who made you cry yourself to sleep every night, after knowing you better than anyone?
You claim that being a d*ck to me will make me stronger? Uh, excuse me, I'm pretty sure that I am a person and that I deserve some respect.
But, I can't say much because I never said anything about it. You know why? Because I cared so much about you that I thought you would get mad if I tried to argue.

I cried over you. CRIED! And let it be known that I've never done that before. You were and hopefully still are my best friend. But, being your best friend killed me softly. Oh wait, you never stopped to notice did you? Nope. Why not? You. Didn't. Care.
You say you never care about anything or anyone but just you wait, when you FINALLY come to realize that you DID care and notice how amazing we could have been together, it won't matter because I'll be with the guy that always knew...
So get over yourself and stop collecting your jar of hearts.
Sincerely, Her


  1. I love you Aubrey!!!

  2. Awww. Poor Aubrey :( I loves you <3

  3. This was seriously deep. I loved it. He is terrible. There's this quote that you will love, " There were things I wanted to tell him. But i knew they would hurt him, so i buried them and let them hurt me" I'm going to end this comment on that note. You're better than what he is treating you :)

  4. I want to hug you so bad right now!!! And I love the quote that Sandy posted!
