Thursday, September 29, 2011

That IT Factor

Vanity - (n.) Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.
Self-Esteem - (n.) Confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
Yeah, you see the difference?

I'm pretty sure a lot of girls don't understand the difference.
I loathe AND envy all the girls who can just bluntly say that they are hot, or sexy, or gorgeous, or amazing, and mean it. And the worst part about it? Most of them are.
I can honestly say that on a scale of 1-10, my self esteem is -1.
Now, I don't want all the comments that say, "Aubrey! That's not true! Your gorgeous!"
Yeah, I've heard that way too many times. I don't think that I'm ugly but I most certainly do not have that IT factor that a lot of other girls have.

The IT Factor.
Know what that is?
It's the ability to stun boys with just one glance. You know, the ability to make them look at you again...and again...and again...It might be whore-ish but I mean, come on, what girl DOESN'T want that?

I know I do.

After being rejected three times in row by guys that I seriously liked...its amazing that I didn't just go and get plastic surgery.

So, here's to the girls who walk tall and proud with a face that says, "Yeah, I'm sexy and I know it."
And to the girls who walk...just walk...and say, "I guess I should have been more like her..."

(The song that I posted is really an amazing song. It hits you in all the right places. Listen to it. Might make you think about how you view and hold yourself.)

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