Friday, September 30, 2011

La De Da De Da

Music - (n.) The art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
Yeah, I don't think that talking about bangin' a girl or getting drunk or telling someone to run faster than your bullet is beauty or harmony or any type of emotion that someone wants to listen to.
Come on guys.
Let's go way back to the old ages when people had only things like a piano and Mozart and Bach. That was real, genuine music.
Not some audio tuned piece of garbage that people booty dance to.

But I guess music does change over time.
We have so many genres nowadays: pop, rock, blues, country, jazz, classical, blue grass, alternative, techno, christian, gospel, and soooooo much more.
However, I just think that music is one of the most sacramental things we have in life and yet, we abuse it and mainly talk about sex.

Music should be special. If you think about it, each song that you listen to either stirs up an emotion inside of you or brings back memories or feelings that you might have felt when you had listened to that song for the first time.
When you listen to certain songs you start to feel the emotion that the song is portraying....
It's incredible that effect that music has on people.
It can also be your best friend.
I know its been mine in alot of times during my life.
So, thank you Music, for being there when no one else was....

Music can also be someone's life line. The reason that they hold onto life...

So, don't underestimate the power of music. There's a power behind it that no one can comprehend.
(The song I posted is my most favorite classical piece ever. I love you Beethoven.)

(And this other one, well, it just so happens to be my favorite, in the whole wide world. tehe)

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