Friday, September 30, 2011

La De Da De Da

Music - (n.) The art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.
Yeah, I don't think that talking about bangin' a girl or getting drunk or telling someone to run faster than your bullet is beauty or harmony or any type of emotion that someone wants to listen to.
Come on guys.
Let's go way back to the old ages when people had only things like a piano and Mozart and Bach. That was real, genuine music.
Not some audio tuned piece of garbage that people booty dance to.

But I guess music does change over time.
We have so many genres nowadays: pop, rock, blues, country, jazz, classical, blue grass, alternative, techno, christian, gospel, and soooooo much more.
However, I just think that music is one of the most sacramental things we have in life and yet, we abuse it and mainly talk about sex.

Music should be special. If you think about it, each song that you listen to either stirs up an emotion inside of you or brings back memories or feelings that you might have felt when you had listened to that song for the first time.
When you listen to certain songs you start to feel the emotion that the song is portraying....
It's incredible that effect that music has on people.
It can also be your best friend.
I know its been mine in alot of times during my life.
So, thank you Music, for being there when no one else was....

Music can also be someone's life line. The reason that they hold onto life...

So, don't underestimate the power of music. There's a power behind it that no one can comprehend.
(The song I posted is my most favorite classical piece ever. I love you Beethoven.)

(And this other one, well, it just so happens to be my favorite, in the whole wide world. tehe)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

That IT Factor

Vanity - (n.) Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.
Self-Esteem - (n.) Confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
Yeah, you see the difference?

I'm pretty sure a lot of girls don't understand the difference.
I loathe AND envy all the girls who can just bluntly say that they are hot, or sexy, or gorgeous, or amazing, and mean it. And the worst part about it? Most of them are.
I can honestly say that on a scale of 1-10, my self esteem is -1.
Now, I don't want all the comments that say, "Aubrey! That's not true! Your gorgeous!"
Yeah, I've heard that way too many times. I don't think that I'm ugly but I most certainly do not have that IT factor that a lot of other girls have.

The IT Factor.
Know what that is?
It's the ability to stun boys with just one glance. You know, the ability to make them look at you again...and again...and again...It might be whore-ish but I mean, come on, what girl DOESN'T want that?

I know I do.

After being rejected three times in row by guys that I seriously liked...its amazing that I didn't just go and get plastic surgery.

So, here's to the girls who walk tall and proud with a face that says, "Yeah, I'm sexy and I know it."
And to the girls who walk...just walk...and say, "I guess I should have been more like her..."

(The song that I posted is really an amazing song. It hits you in all the right places. Listen to it. Might make you think about how you view and hold yourself.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Zoom, Focus, Pose, Click, Flash, a Work of Art....

When I grow up I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies... 
When I grow up I want to be an astronaut...When I grow up I want to be President...When I grow up I want to be a photographer...yeah...I like that.
When I grow up I want to be a photographer!

It's true, I absolutely adore taking pictures, especially of  models.So, yeah, I want to be a fashion magazine (Seventeen Magazine preferably) photographer...
That's. My. Dream. Job.

 So, in honor of my dream, here some of my most recent works. (:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are?

 Dear Him,

First, I would like to say that if you are reading this then yes, I do consider you a stalker.
Second, you're a douche bag.
Third, I can say with total confidence that it's true, you missed out on the best thing that could have EVER happened to you.
Fourth, I realized that yes, it is possible for a girl to have her heart broken by a guy who she never even dated.
Fifth, I can honestly say that the worst feeling in the world is falling for your best friend and knowing that they will never feel that way.

Who do you think you are? Treating me like a piece of sh*t?  After EVERYTHING I did for you? After I stood by you for years, became your best friend, watched you be hurt by a girl who made you cry yourself to sleep every night, after knowing you better than anyone?
You claim that being a d*ck to me will make me stronger? Uh, excuse me, I'm pretty sure that I am a person and that I deserve some respect.
But, I can't say much because I never said anything about it. You know why? Because I cared so much about you that I thought you would get mad if I tried to argue.

I cried over you. CRIED! And let it be known that I've never done that before. You were and hopefully still are my best friend. But, being your best friend killed me softly. Oh wait, you never stopped to notice did you? Nope. Why not? You. Didn't. Care.
You say you never care about anything or anyone but just you wait, when you FINALLY come to realize that you DID care and notice how amazing we could have been together, it won't matter because I'll be with the guy that always knew...
So get over yourself and stop collecting your jar of hearts.
Sincerely, Her

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Hopeless Romantic...

You know, I always, ALWAYS, thought he was different. 
I thought he was my knight in shining armor that would sweep me off my feet. . .
I was so wrong.
I guess some guys can just slap you across the face and make you realize that fairy-tales don't exist. . .
Fairy-tales are only TALES; they do not exist.

Its almost as if guys like it when we cry and fall head over heels for them when they know they won't catch us. The thought never even crossed their mind. . .
They're like, addicted to breaking hearts. When they do it once, they'll do it again, and again, and again.
Men are just savage animals looking for a girl to get attention from . . . that's all they are really.

Girls just underestimate how much it really hurts.
I did.
I think at some point I loved him.
But I know that he never reached that point.
Girls are just so easy to hook. Once a guy is deep enough, they can just rip us to shreds without any of us trying to defend ourselves.
And you know why?
Because we care too much and there's nothing we can do about it. 

All photos taken by Aubrey (Me) (:
Unless stated otherwise.

1st and 4th

School; (n.) An institution for educating children AKA Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives...
I mean really.
If you think about it, when is school ever fun? Well, if you are me, it's during 1st and 4th period.

Mrs. Puckett's english class. . .
There is a lot I could say about this class. First, it has my best friend in it therefore we NEVER get anything done. And you know, that's alright. That just means we have to work our butts off during the weekend. Again I say that that's alright.
This class is also one of the toughest ones I've had yet but I'm no whiner, just simply stating a fact.
I do want to be an English major when I graduate so therefore, I find English class quite fun, It's also my favorite subject. Hence my starting a blog.

My life.
Without band, I don't think I'd be doing anything in highschool.
I love it so much.
The kids that are in it are my family. We laugh together, cry together, hurt together, smile together, and just support each other.
We know everything about everyone.
We're like one person moving together.
Once a band kid, always a band kid...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh How Original...

Dear Diary...

No, no. I solemnly swear that I shall not start ANY of my posts like that. Because what am I? An eleven year old girl that kisses her Justin Bieber cardboard cut-out every night before bed? No, on the contrary, I'm a mature yet slightly crazy teenage girl with raging hormones, dreams, fairy-tales, faults, talents, best friends, enemies, etc. etc. So you see, I'm not really different of any of you other teenagers out there.
Now, I guess this is the part where I let you in on all the background information about myself: 
  1. Hi, hello there. My name is Hannah Aubrey. 
  2. I'm currently 17 years of age.
  3. I twirl flags. You know, like in the half-time shows during football games with the thing called 'Marching Band'. Ever stopped to watch a half-time show? No? Hm, why am I not shocked. Well, you should sometime.
  4. I don't really like girly things. At. All.
  5. I want to go to the Moon before I die.
  6. My favorite song is Hero/Heroine by Boys Like Girls
  7. Mario Cart for Wii; yeah, i'mma beast. 
  8. I love Jesus yes I do! I love Jesus how 'bout you?
  9. My favorite thing to wear year round are shorts.
  10. I'd probably risk my life for my camera. Intense? Tell me about it.
Alright, seeing as though it is approximately 11:14:33 PM, my appointment with the Sandman is quit near.
So, ta ta for now oh good world of Ta Ta For Now...