Wednesday, October 5, 2011

You Get Me In My Weak Places.

(First off, let me just say that I hate just talking about my emotions like this. I feel so...vulnerable.)

I don't know what it is about you. I try to convince myself that I don't need you.
I don't need you. I really, honestly don't. I know you probably aren't worth my time. I know that I probably could do better. I know that you probably don't think about me the way I think about you.
However, there's that key word: probably.
I told everyone I was through. I even told you. I built up a wall of what I thought was steel so that you couldn't put your hooks into me again, but you came around and just crumbled it like it was made of feathers.

I don't know what it is about you.
Something about you is so addictive.
I just can't convince myself to let you go.
You're kinda like my personal drug. A day without you, I go crazy. A whole week, I'm in an insane asylum.

I may feel these things but it's not going to change anything.
You have your reasons and I know that once you convince yourself of something, it's set in stone. There's no changing it.

So, I guess this is really goodbye. I did everything I knew how to do in order to get you, even the extra-credit options. But that didn't seem to work.
I don't regret any of this because whats the point in regretting something when you know that during that time, its what you really wanted.
So, yes, I don't regret the time I spent on you.

I can honestly say that I did fall for you. I fell head over heels. I collected a couple of scratches on the way down but that was expected. I'll just do what I do every time; pretend like nothing happened. Cover the scars up and move on. I hope you find that one girl that'll make your days brighter, make you laugh a little louder, cause you to smile a little bigger, and live just a little bit better.

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