Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum

So, Emily got me started on this...
Friends are the MOST important thing in my life. More important than music, my camera, even my grades.
*INTERMISSION* (this allows all people to gasp in horror for as long as they want)

Anyways, now that that's out of the way...
Ahem, as I was saying, friends are so important to me. Like seriously.
But my BEST friends...well, they are more like a brother or sister to me. I'd seriously take a bullet for them. I sometimes get way to overprotective, but hey, mess with my girl/boy, I'll mess with your face. Haha...but no, seriously.
So, listed below are my BEST friends. The ones that I could trust my life with. Now, if you get me to trust you with my life, congratulations, you've accomplished something that is very hard to do. (;
(Granted, I do have alot of friends, but only a selective few who i'd call my best...)
(And also, friends come and go...I had some friends, you know, that I would have called my best....but times change and people change...can't hate Mother Nature for that.)

Gosh, I remember the first time her and I met; i hated her. Loathed her.
I don't really know why to be honest, I guess it was the fact that she was in guard and I wasn't...Hmm, who really knows.
All I know is that one year, for a youth trip, we were forced to room together and I can tell you what, I'm so happy we were.
We got a lot closer during guard; after I joined sophomore year. I could and still can tell her just about everything. (:
I miss her so much but with technology nowadays, we video chat as much as possible. (:
Despite her being away at college she's still my bestfriend.
Miss you baby girl.

Gosh, the way we met was weird to be honest.
After working out in an aerobics room all hot and sweaty. Yeah, totally the best start of a friendship ever.
Well, I remember when my coach first started talking about her. She sounded pretty cool. Someone that I might like.
And turns out, she was. (:
I thought she was really really quiet. HA, WRRROOONNNGGG.
However, my thoughts about her being super smart weren't wrong. Who makes a 35 on the ACT the first time after going to a party the NIGHT BEFORE?!?!?! Who does that? Sheesh.
So, the bottom line is that she is pretty amazing.
Not gonna lie.
I Love You to the moon and back....3 times.

So, she's a super science genius. Like mad scientist genius. No lie.
However, she is pretty amazing. I love her.
She always listens. Never interrupts.
Probably the best listener I know and that's why I love her.
Granted, we weren't very close till this year, senior year but it's not the years that make someone a best friend.
There isn't a thing Andrea probably doesn't know about my school drama. She's just so good at handling it.
We are attached at the hip. All. The. Time.
I Love You! (:

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