Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Year 2011: part uno

Before I start my little summary (i've decided to add ONE status from facebook and picture that corresponds to that month) all i have to say is "shut the front door! it's over already?! gosh dang it."
I remember EXACTLY what i was doing January 1, 2011. My, my, time flies...
Anywho, let's begin shall we?

Emily's birthday. Ha, stolen rice and netflix movies. Yeah, let's not get into that story.
There was also some nasty wine that i had during that month. I think i'd rather shoot the whiskey. (;

dear 2011,
please be prepared to be a heck of a lot more amazing than 2010.
sincerely, aubrey.

 It's really not a lot of food if you ask me.
Hey, don't be hating. A girl needs her fries and soda. 

Ah, fun youth group memories. (:
Oh! and the anniversary of me and my EX boyfriend's one year. Sad? Nah, not really. (I know, I know. I'mma beee-otch)
Let's see, what, well, i remember getting first place in a guard competition. That was fun right? Yeah, sure.
And that's about it. February was a dull month honestly.
"I love storms, congested hallways, screaming freshman and sudden death. It just makes my day. *sarcasm intended*"
 Je t'aime mon cheri
Oooooohhhhh, march. Lovely, lovely march. The month I broke up with my first boyfriend. Quite an experience i must say.
And the month that i can honestly say i had feeling for someone else. Well, make that TWO other people. Don't give me that look. We've all been there.
Still lots of winter guard during that month. :P
Oh and prom drama was starting. Ew, gross. -.-

"you and i walk a fragile line and i never thought i'd live to see it break..."

 Guard is seriously my life. Call me crazy, but i have no idea what i would do without it.
Oh lord, prom. Gosh, i don't even want to think about that dreaded time. Okay, okay, it wasn't that bad but it's definitely a time i wish i could go and re-do. Oh well, i can never regret something i once really wanted at one time.
The tornado; that was a really scary time not only for me, but for just about everyone in Cleveland. I remember hanging out in my basement for the longest time and then coming out to see a disaster field. I kinda had felt like i was in the middle of one of those action movies. 
School clean up day. My connections group went to freaking Deer Park. Gay? Yeah, i know. We shoveled wood chips for at least two the rain. Yay us? Oh well, i'm not gonna lie and say that I didn't have fun. It was some definite bonding time for me and my "classmates"
SAPA Winter Guard Championships. THAT was a fun trip even though we came in fourth. In my opinion we didn't even deserve fourth but it was a very emotional time for some people. (;
LOTS of boy drama too. I don't even wanna mention the name. -.- Let's just say i'm glad it's over and done with.

"i have never been more thankful for electricity in my entire life. this tornado has really helped me see the other side of reality..."
 hey now, you gotta admit, we're the coolest band kids ever. (;

Monday, December 5, 2011

Life is Finally Here

Fall semester is coming to a close...
I graduate in less than 5 months...
I'm scared...
Don't know what I'm doing..
But yet, I sit here day after day after day and try and try to convince myself that I've got this whole "life" thing figured out.

You know, that whole story you tell yourself: I'll graduate high school, get a job, get accepted to a college or university, graduate again, get a better job, make boat-loads of money, get married, then die happily with at least four grandchildren. But you know, myself making my own plans never turn out the way I want.

Yes, I'll admit it. I've strayed too far from God than I planned...
Why? I thought I had everything figured out. I bottled up all my problems, pain, confusion, fear and so on, just to find out that later that in the most inconvenient time, it would just explode everywhere and not just effect me but the people I care most about. Getting caught up in the waves of society can be a dangerous thing especially when you don't have anything to lean on.

The reality of me becoming an adult in less than a year is quite frightening. I like to look back to when I was 13 and 14 and remember when I use to fantasize about leaving and having my own life. But now that that time is finally here, I wish more than anything I could still be that care-free 13 year old with no problems except for the occasional pimple or boy drama. I know that I was only a freshman four years ago but I can totally see how naive and  ignorant I really was.

I guess the hardest thing to comprehend is the fact that I'll more than likely loss more than two-thirds of the people I grew up with...
But, that is where God comes in. However, I'm not gonna beat around the bush or sugar-coat anything - us girls like to talk...alot. Yes, God listens and talks....but, it's just hard to comprehend...
I like someone to be there with me and to give me an occasional hug and stuff. I love those midnight conversations...God is great for a listener but it's hard to have a full-on conversation...
Guess I'll have to work on that...